Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Banana Split

UNTUK melengkapi kenikmatan menu makanan Anda, es krim bisa menjadi pemuas dahaga. Kini, satu rasa es krim pun tak cukup membuat Anda merasa puas. Karenanya, cobalah Anda merasakan menu penutup banana split dengan rasa menggoda.

10 buah pisang ambon, kupas, potong bulat
100 ml saus cokelat siap pakai
50 gr kacang tanah panggang, cincang
10 buah stroberi, untuk hiasan

Es krim cokelat:
3 butir kuning telur
350 ml susu cair
300 ml krim kental
2 sdm gula pasir
1/8 gr cokelat masak hitam, potong-potong

Es krim vanilla:
3 butir kuning telur
350 ml susu cair
300 ml krim kental
2 sdm gula pasir
1/8 sdt garam
180 gr cokelat masak putih, potong-potong

Es krim stroberi:
3 butir kuning telur
300 ml susu rasa stroberi
50 ml sirup rasa stroberi
300 ml krim kental
2 sdt gula pasir
1/8 sdt garam
180 gr cokelat masak merah, potong-potong

Cara membuat:
1. Es krim: kocok kuning telur hingga kental. Campur susu cair, krim kental, gula pasir, dan garam, masak hingga mendidih di atas api sedang. Tuang campuran susu ke dalam kuning telur, aduk rata. Tuang kembali adonan ke dalam panci lalu masak hingga mengental. Angkat.

2. Masukkan cokelat, aduk hingga cokelat lelah. Diamkan hingga dingin dan bekukan dalam lemari es selama 4 jam. Keluarkan, mixer hingga rata dan lembut. Simpan kembali dalam lemari es hingga beku. Lakukan hal yang sama sebanyak 3 kali.

3. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk es krim vanilla dan es krim stroberi.

4. Siapkan mangkuk saji, isi dengan es krim masing-masing 1 scop. Tambahkan potongan pisang ambon siram atasnya dengan saus dan taburi dengan cincangan kacang tanah.

5. Sajikan dengan hiasan irisan stroberi dan daun mint.

How to Make Whipped Cream

Whipped cream" from a can is neither whipped nor cream. Whip up the real thing yourself either by hand or with an electric mixer, and the fresh taste will keep you from ever going back to the spray-on variety.


  1. 1

    Start by chilling a clean stainless steel bowl, a whisk, and the cream in the refrigerator or freezer for 10 or 20 minutes. Let them get nice and cold, but don't freeze the cream. (Cream is easier to whip when cold.)

  2. Step 2

    Pour the cream, when chilled, in the bowl and start whisking. Hold the whisk like a dagger, with the wire part pointing down, and use your wrist and elbow for the motion, not your shoulder.

  3. Step 3

    Stick the whisk in the bowl at an angle and draw it through the cream in quick, sharp motions.

  4. Step 4

    Alternate between circular motions and straight ones. Switch hands to lessen fatigue.

  5. Step 5

    It will take 3 or 4 minutes to whip a cup of cream. At first bubbles will appear on the surface of the cream, then it will start to become foamy, then volume will begin to build. As volume builds, the cream will pass through several degrees of stiffness. Light and foamy is best for topping cakes and desserts as an accompaniment; stiff and firm is best to use as a cake frosting or to make mousse.

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

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Try These Favorite Fitness Recipes

Keeping fit can be challenging for your body. So take a time out every once in awhile and give your taste buds a challenge instead, with some of these fitness favorites.

Fit Fajitas:

1 egg yolk
6 egg whites
fat free cheddar cheese
fat free flour tortillas

Beat the whites and yolk and put in a skillet with fat free cooking spray. Then, cook the eggs over a medium flame. Turn eggs over and add some cheddar cheese. Meanwhile heat up the tortillas in the mike or oven. Then place eggs in the tortillas and roll up. Add salsa to taste.

Quick Breakfast

1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup uncooked dry oatmeal
1 packet of Splenda® (or more to tase)
Optional :cinnamon, fruit, nuts, raisins, etc.

Mix all ingredients together by hand, adding oatmeal last. Enjoy!

Timeout Tuna Burgers:

1 can of tuna in water drained
2 eggwhites
1/2 ounce of Buckwheat pancake mix
1 teaspoon of curry powder
1 teaspoon of chopped onions.

Place tuna in bowl. Add egg whites and pancake mix. Mix in other ingredients and then mix all with a fork. Grill with fat free cooking spray. Make 2 burgers.

Protein Power Pancakes:

1 cup oatmeal
11 egg whites
1 whole egg
1 packet sugar free jello, flavor of your choice.

Simply stir together in a mixing bowl, cook on a frying pan, using fat free cooking spray.

Protein Bars:

½ cup skim milk
1 cup of Natural Peanut Butter or Low Fat Peanut butter
1tbsp Honey
1.25-1.5 cups of protein powder (I use vanilla whey protein) (Chocolate is great too!)
2 cups dry, uncooked oatmeal


Combine milk, peanut butter and honey in a pan and warm it up over low heat. Add the protein powder and then the oats to the mix. No need to thoroughly cook mixture, just heat it up enough to be able to stir it together. Add more milk if needed.

Shape into bars and press onto a 9" x 13" pan. Let them cool, and cut into 16 equal bars. Wrap each bar in foil or saran wrap and store in plastic baggies. No need to refrigerate, the ingredients are all natural. Makes 16.

Protein Shakes:

1 liter of milk
12 tablespoons of milk powder
6 eggwhites(fresh) or eggbeaters
1 teaspoon of brewer's yeast
some hot chocolate to taste
optional banana or icecream scoop

Shake and enjoy!

BS (Banana & Strawberry) Protein Shakes:

1 glass of whole milk
1/2 glass of cream
3 eggs(fresh)
2 glasses of fat free milk powder
1/2 riped banana
1/2 cup of strawberries.

Shake and enjoy!

OJ (orange juice) Protein Shakes:

1/2 glass of natural orange juice
4 tablespoons of milk powder.
2 eggwhites(fresh)
1/2 cup of strawberries
1/2 cup of icecream
2 teaspoons of honey

Shake and enjoy!

Banana Power Drink:

2 bananas
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
vanilla whey protein
cup of milk
some Ice
1/2 a teaspoon of brown sugar.

Shake and enjoy!